International DbI
DbI is the world association promoting services for deafblind people.
As deafblindness is a low incidence disability the extent of activity in
any one country will not be enough to maintain a distinct identity for
this field. International networking and the sharing of information is
essential to the development of the deafblind field and quality services
for deafblind people. To learn from good practice we need to collaborate
across national boundaries.
DbI seeks to ensure that the low incidence disability of deafblind has
a high profile.
DbI keeps the needs of deafblind people in the forefront of thinking.
DbI assures members of access to information on deafblind workthroughout
the world.
DbI stimulates the development and dissemination of information and literature
DbI assures the growth and health of the deafblind field
DbI activities include:
publishing a journal, DbI Review, twice a year,
provision of information in various media including on the internet
encouragement and development of networks
providing access to support from international development agencies
supporting events such as World Conferences.
As well as the World Conference, regional events can be held under the
DbI umbrella, for instance European Conferences.
DbI seeks to achieve its objects through encouraging networks and development
of regional activity throughout the world.
Deafblind International has a General Assembly that meets at the World
Conference. A Council runs DbI and is composed of representatives
of large corporate organisations, small corporates and networks.
Individual membership does not give voting rights.
Deafblind International's objects are:
To promote the recognition and awareness of deafblindness as a unique condition
or acquired disability that affects children, adults and elderly people.
To support the civil rights of deafblind people and the equalisation of
opportunities in all aspects of life.
To encourage the development of networks and opportunities for association
and learning for professionals and to the benefit of deafblind people and
their families.
To enable interaction between deafblind people, their families, professionals
and the wider community.
To promote education and opportunities for development for deafblind people.
To encourage support and services for deafblind people that lead to self-determination
and quality of life.
To promote quality in services for deafblind people by encouraging research,
staff development and training, the promotion of polices that lead to good
practice, and the dissemination of information.
English is used within Deafblind International.
DbI Review is the print magazine of Deafblind International.
It appears twice yearly, the two editions are dated January-June and July-December.
All members of DbI recieve the magazine. If you would like to become
a member of DbI and receive DbI Review then please click here.
Individuals can also be members and receive the Journal, DbI Review.
This membership is free so that information can be available to all - but
a donation is requested and should be paid if it can be afforded.
If you are interested in contributing articles to Deafblind Review,
then you should e-mail suggestions or articles in either English or Spanish.
There are two categories of DbI membership, voting and non-voting.
Voting members consist of corporate bodies and international networks.
Corporate members are requested to subscribe an annual amount of between
US$300 and $5,000. Corporates have the opportunity to sit on DbI’s
Council and vote at the General Assembly. For further information
and an application form for either Corporate or Network membership please
contact the DbI Secretariat.
Non-voting members consist of individuals, national networks and non-subscribing
corporates. Non- voting members can contribute to the decision making
process of DbI through either a corporate member or an international network.
Non-voting members will receive a copy of DbI Review and other relevant
DbI information. Non-voting membership is free, but an annual donation
of US$30 is requested to cover costs.
A-Z to Deafblindness